Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Track (of the week) Tuesdays

Alright! So it's the last Tuesday of the year and I really wanted to do like a weekly track of the week thing, why not do it on Tuesdays and start now?

The song I wanted to post today is by Hermigervill, an Icelandic artists. I actually saw him yesterday along with Sísí Ey and Retro Stefson (one of my favourite bands). 
This song is new and I was actually at Harlem (a club in Reykjavík) when he first performed the song on stage, it was awesome.

Happy new year!

- Olive

Monday, December 30, 2013

Music Christmas

The last few weeks have been crazy busy with me.. I had my final exams, I've been working almost every day since I finished exams, and of course, it's the Christmas season!

I got loads of great gifts this year. I got a ticket to Iceland Airwaves '14, which is the biggest music festival in Iceland. 
I went this year and it was probably the greatest five days of my life. They haven't announced any artists for next year but Airwaves is mostly for up-and-coming bands from all over the world to show what they've got. Each band can only perform on the festival once, except for the Icelandic bands. I really recommend you try to attend at least once. 

I got three vinyl records:

AM by Arctic Monkeys

One of my favourite albums at the moment, I think the band did a great job and it is probably one of their best ones yet.

Rocket to Russia by Ramones

I just love this album. I like every song on that album. Go Ramones.

We Built a Fire by Seabear

I had never heard of this band before. It's an Icelandic indie-folk band that my friend loves, and she gave me this album. I still need to really listen to it though, but it's very promising.

Last but not least, my best friend, Maria, gave me a book called 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die. As you might figure out, it is a lot of albums to listen to, but I will definitely do my best to listen to every one of it. I might to a weekly thing where I talk about each album, but still, that would take me almost twenty years to finish... (I probably won't talk about the bad albums, although I don't think there will be a lot of them on that list.) 

So that's it for now, I will try to be more active on here. 
Until then, happy new year and all that.

- Olive

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Late Thursday night...

Today I was at a coffee house with my friend. She is making her own short film and she's so ambitious about it. It made me realize how I don't have any hobbies. Well, I do have hobbies, but there's nothing that I'm really passionate about. Except music, maybe.

So I decided to make this blog.

Here is a list of 10 songs that I've been listening to recently.

I discovered most of them through the radio on Spotify, which is awesome, but there are some artists in there that I've listened to for a while, like Gold Panda, Agent Fresco and Kiriyama Family. Also, I discovered Caveman when I saw their concert live at Airwaves!

- Olive

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